Solution to: Elegant Equation
Make a long division:
Calculate the first digit of the result:
4/4.....\1..... 4 -- 0
Now we also know that the next digit of the dividend is a 1:
4/41....\1..... 4 -- 0
Then we can calculate the next digit of the result:
4/41....\10.... 4 -- 01 0 -- 1
Therefore, the next digit of the dividend is also a 0:
4/410...\10.... 4 -- 01 0 -- 1
This process of calculating the next digit of the result and adding it to the dividend must be repeated until the remainder is 0 and the last digit of the result is a 4:
4/410256\102564 4 -- 01 0 -- 10 8 -- 22 20 -- 25 24 -- 16 16 -- 0
Conclusion: the number we were looking for is 10256.