Harder Mathematical Problems

Dog's Mead ★★★

It is the year 1939. The farm of the family Dunk is situated in the south of England. The rectangular piece of land on which the farm stands is called Dog's Mead.

The goal is to complete the cross-number puzzle below on basis of the next hints. In each box of the cross-number puzzle, one digit (0-9) must be placed (and none of the numbers starts with the digit 0).



  1. The area of Dog's Mead (in square yards).
  2. The age of Martha, the aunt of farmer Dunk.
  3. The difference between the length and width of Dog's Mead (in yards).
  4. The number of roods in Dog's Mead multiplied by 8 vertical.
  5. The year in which the Dunk family became owner of Dog's Mead.
  6. The age of farmer Dunk.
  7. The year in which Mary was born.
  8. The perimeter of Dog's Mead (in yards).
  9. The walking speed (in miles per hour) of farmer Dunk, to the power of three.
  10. 15 horizontal minus 9 vertical.


  1. The value of Dog's Mead (in shillings per rood).
  2. The square of the age of the mother-in-law of farmer Dunk.
  3. The age of Mary, the daughter of farmer Dunk.
  4. The value of Dog's Mead (in pounds).
  5. The current age of Ted, son of farmer Dunk, who will be in 1945 twice as old as his sister Mary will be in that year.
  6. The square of the width (in yards) of Dog's Mead.
  7. The number of minutes in which farmer Dunk walks 11/3 times around Dog's Mead.
  8. 10 vertical divided by 10 horizontal.
  9. See 9 vertical.
  10. The sum of the digits of 10 vertical plus 1.
  11. The number of years that Dog's Mead is owned by the Dunk family.

The question: How must the cross-number puzzle be completed?

A hint : In 1939, England had not changed to the metric system and the "decimal" subdivision of the pound yet. Therefore, this puzzle still uses the old English units:

1 rood = 1210 square yards.
1 mile = 1760 yards.
1 pound = 20 shillings.

The answer: Click here!