Sticks, Coins & More...

Tricky Sticks ★★★

The question: Can you rearrange the nine sticks to make a pattern containing three squares?


The answer: Click here!

Another question: These twelve sticks form five squares (four small ones and a large one). How can two sticks be moved to make seven squares?


Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: Can you make four equal triangles, of the same size as the triangles shown below, using just six sticks?


Yet another answer: Click here!

The fourth question: Can you rearrange these eight sticks to make two squares and four triangles?


The fourth answer: Click here!

The fifth question: In the pattern shown below, you see six equal squares.


Can you make a pattern containing only three squares by moving four sticks?

The fifth answer: Click here!

The sixth question: The figure below contains five equal sized squares. Can you form six equal sized squares by moving just three sticks?


The sixth answer: Click here!

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