The Prince and the Pearls ★★
Long ago, a young Chinese prince wanted to marry a Mandarin's daughter. The Mandarin decided to test the prince. He gave the prince two empty, porcelain vases, 100 white pearls, and 100 black pearls. "You must put all the pearls in the vases", he told the prince. "After this, I will call my daughter from the room next door. She will take a random pearl from one of the two vases. If this pearl is a black one, you are allowed to marry my daughter."

The question: What was the best way in which the prince could divide the pearls over the vases?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: You have three vases: one vase containing two white pearls, one vase containing one white and one black pearl, and one vase containing two black pearls. From one of these vases, a pearl is taken. This pearl turns out to be white. What is the probability that the other pearl in the same vase is also white?

Another answer: Click here!

Yet another question: You have ten vases. Five of the vases contain a white pearl and four of the vases contain a black pearl (note that a vase may contain both a white and a black pearl!). You randomly select one of the ten vases. What is the probability that the vase you chose is empty?

Yet another answer: Click here!