Logical Puzzles

Alien Alert ★★

Three Federation officers have been assigned to travel with three enemy aliens to another planet, where peace talks will be held. However, there are a few complicating factors:

  • There is only one small spaceship available, which can accommodate a maximum of two individuals.
  • The spaceship is the only means of transportation. There is no other way to reach the peace talks.
  • All Federation officers can pilot the spaceship, but only one of the aliens can pilot it.
  • If at any time there are both Federation officers and aliens on a planet, there must be at least as many Federation officers as aliens on that planet. If there are more aliens than Federation officers on a planet, the aliens will kill the Federation officers. Individuals in the spaceship, when it is on a planet, count as being on that planet.

All Federation officers and aliens are currently on the same planet.

The question: How can all the Federation officers and aliens reach the other planet alive?

The answer: Click here!

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