Funny Riddles & Puzzle Jokes

Jigsaw Puzzle ☺☺

A blonde calls her friend on his cellphone.
Blonde: "I've got a problem!"
Friend: "Tell me."
Blonde: "I've just bought a puzzle, but I can't solve it!"
Friend: "Is it that difficult?"
Blonde: "Yes, I don't know where to start; all pieces look similar!"
Friend: "What's the image on the cover of the box?"
Blonde: "A red rooster, but I really can't solve it."
Friend: "Wait a minute; I'll be right there and then we will solve it together!"
A few minutes later the friend walks in.
Friend: "And where is this puzzle of yours?"
Blonde: "It's right here on the table..."
Deep silence falls, and then a sigh...
Friend: "Okay, we will do the following: you'll put all cornflakes back into the box and I'll forget the complete incident."

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