Solution to: Perplexing Pots

Let's assume that the text on the silver pot is true. Let's also assume that the text on the golden pot is true.

We are now assuming that both texts are true, but according to the text on the golden pot, this means that only one of the texts is true. So we have a contradiction!

Our last assumption, that the text on the golden pot was true, must therefore be incorrect. This means that the text on the golden pot is not true.

We are now assuming that only the text on the silver pot is true. However, this would make the text on the golden pot true again. So we have another contradiction!

We can conclude that our first assumption, that the text on the silver pot is true, was incorrect. This means that the text on the silver pot is not true. The correctness of the text on the golden pot no longer matters.

Conclusion: The silver pot contains the treasure!

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