Hotel Hocus ★★
Three salesmen went into a hotel to rent a room. The manager stated that he had only one room left, but all three could use it for $30.00 for the night. The three salesmen gave him $10.00 each and went up to their room. Later, the manager decided that he had charged the salesmen too much so he called the bellhop over, gave him five one-dollar bills, and said: 'Take this $5.00 up to the salesmen and tell them I had charged them too much for the room'.
On the way up, the bellhop knew that he could not divide the five one-dollar bills equally, so he put two of the one-dollar bills in his pocket and returned one one-dollar bill to each of the salesmen.
This means that each salesman paid $9.00 for the room.
The bellhop kept $2.00.
Three times nine is 27 plus two is 29... not 30!

The question: What happened to the extra dollar?

The answer: Click here!

Another question: "During our holidays," tells Anthony, "we arrived - two fathers and two sons - in the small village of Zeelst on a cold evening. There we looked for a place to sleep in the only hotel. Unfortunately there were only three beds free. Still, everyone slept alone in a bed."
How is this possible?

Another answer: Click here!