Solution to: Dangerous Discoveries
Two methods are guaranteed to be successful.
- Stan cuts each of the three pills in two, puts a half of every pill on pile 1, and puts the other half on pile 2. Then each pile has exactly a half A pill and a complete B pill (two halves). Stan must now take another pill from bottle A, cut it in two, put a half on pile 1, and the other half on pile 2. Now, he can take pile 1 first, after 2 hours he swallows pile 2, and after another two hours, he can take the remaining two pills from the bottles.
- Stan first cuts each of the six pills in six equal pieces. Then he makes six piles, with in each pile one piece of each of the six pills. Each pile then contains exactly a half A pill and a half B pill. Now he can take two piles, after 2 hours he swallows again two piles, and after another two hours, he can take the remaining two piles.